Components and Components Location
Connector Pin Function
Repair procedures
1. Disconnect the negative (-) battery terminal.
2. Using the screwdriver, remove the cluster facia panel (A).
3. Using the screwdriver, remove the crash pad garnish (A).
4. Using the screwdriver, remove the screws and center facia panel (A).
5. Disconnect the center facia connectors (A).
6. Loosen the control panel mounting screws and then remove the control panel (A).
7. Disconnect the connectors and then remove the control panel (B).
8. Installation is the reverse order of removal.
Components and Components Location
Connector Pin Function
Repair procedures
Self Diagnosis
1. Self-diagnosis process
2. How to read self-diagnostic code
After the display panel flickers three tunes every 0.5 second, the corresponding fault code flickers on the setup temperature display panel every 0.5 second and will show two figures. Codes are displayed in numerical format.
Fault Code
3. Fault code display
4. If fault codes are displayed during the check. Inspect specific malfunctions causes by fault codes.
5. Fail safe
If temperature setting 25ºC-32ºC, fix at maximum heating position.
Fix defrost position, while selecting all except vent mode.
Fix recirculation position, while selecting recirculation mode.
1. Disconnect the negative (-) battery terminal.
2. Using the screwdriver, remove the cluster facia panel (A).
3. Using the screwdriver, remove the crash pad garnish (A).
4. Using the screwdriver, remove the center facia panel (A).
5. Disconnect the center facia connectors (A).
6. Loosen the control panel mounting screws and then remove the control panel (A).
7. Disconnect the connectors and then remove the control panel (B).
8. Installation is the reverse order of removal.