Components and Components Location
Component Location
[Audio + Cruise + Bluetooth]
[Audio + Cruise + Bluetooth]
Repair procedures
1. Check the handsfree remote control switch for resistance between No.3 and No.4 terminals in each switch position.
[Call + Hang up]
1. Remove the driver airbag module.
(Refer to the RT group - "Airbag module")
2. Remove the steering wheel.
(Refer to the ST group - "Steering column and shaft")
3. Remove the steering lower bezel (A) after loosening 2 screws and connector (B)
4. Remove the handsfree remote control switch.
1. Install the handsfree remote switch to the steering wheel bezel.
2. Install the steering wheel and bezel.
3. Reconnect the handsfree remote control switch connector and airbag connectors.
Make sure that the switch connector is plugged in properly.
4. Install the driver airbag module.
Repair procedures
1. Disconnect the negative(-) battery terminal.
2. Remove the roof trim.
(Refer to the BD group - "Roof trim")
3. Remove the handsfree mic (A) after loosening the connector and screws (3EA) from roof top.
4. Check the continuity of Mic between terminals.